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Japan invented an Ice-Cream which doesn't melt at all

Here's an Ice-Cream, which doesn't melt at all. It is invented in Japan.
Everyone knows that one of the greatest challenges of the summer season (aside from not screaming every time you see a wasp), is eating your ice cream before it melts.
 Although sunshine and a 99 flake seem like natural bedfellows, the sticky dairy running down your hand at great speed would perhaps indicate otherwise.
But now a team of Japanese researchers have come to solve all our woes and created an ice cream that doesn’t melt.
Japan’s biotherapy development research centre (who should probably be doing far more important things) made the discovery when they asked a pastry chef to make a dessert using polyphenol - a liquid extract from strawberries.
But the chef hit an obstacle fairly early on, as every time he tried to use the dairy cream with the strawberry polyphenol added to it, the cream solidified instantly.
Instead of writing this off as a failed culinary venture, the team realised they had struck gold and quickly turned it into a marketable feature.


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